Our Mission



HealthCarePlus is committed to working with Member Unions to improve the Physical, Mental and Financial Health and Wellbeing of their Members and Whānau.

E ū ana a HealthCarePlus kia mahitahi ai me ōna Mema Uniana kia piki ake te Oranga Tinana, te Oranga Wairua/Hinengaro me te Oranga Ahumoni, ā, me te Oranga Katoa o ō rātou Mema me ō rātou Whānau.

We're not here for profit... we're only here for you. From starting life as the Education Benevolent Society Incorporated in 1963, to the holistic, integrated network of benefits that we offer today - we were created by unions, for members - to maximise the genuine, long-term value that your union membership, can bring.

So, supporting and lifting the physical, mental and financial wellbeing of the union members is the simple mission that defines us.

What we stand for

Our values - the same as yours

HealthCarePlus’s culture and conduct are aligned with Union values - Integrity, Fairness, Transparency, Solidarity, Equity, and Environmental.

Ko te kaupapa me te wairua o HealthCarePlus e haere tapatahi ana me ngā uara o te uniana arā, te Ngākau Piripono, te Matatika, te Tuwhera, te Piritahi, te Taurite, me te Tiaki i te Taiao.

  • Solidarity - Kotahitanga

    It’s good to stand together. Created by unions, we use the collective strength of our members to secure better outcomes for all of us.

  • Integrity - Pono

    It's good to stay true. We give every member the information they need to make informed decisions and our focus is always on serving our members best interests, not ourselves.

  • Fairness - Matatika

    It's good to act fairly. A commitment to fair dealings and fair outcomes defines the actions we take… the services we provide… and the partners we choose.

  • Transparency - Tūwhera

    It's good to be clear. Our primary aim is to ensure our members comprehend both the benefits and limitations of every offer we provide and so we avoid misleading, overly positive, or exaggerated claims.

  • Equity - Hakawhanake

    It's good to respect all. With a collective focus, we champion the rights of all - celebrating the religious, ethnic and gender diversity of our members and honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

  • Environmental - Take Taio

    It's good to look forward. Our environment is our future - and we ensure our actions protect it by minimising impacts and considering future generations, in the decisions we make today.

Our Owners

Our Owners


The very same unions that protect your rights at work created HealthCarePlus to support you and your whānau in life.   
So, as part of your union membership, you are automatically eligible to join HealthCarePlus and get more value from your membership.  Join now and create an online account here.


union logos

Our Board

Our Board Members

The Society is governed by a Board of six Directors appointed by the Member Union owners. The Board consists of four Member Board Members appointed to represent the four largest Member Unions and two Independent Board Members.

Education Benevolent Society Annual Reports

In this section you can find the Education Benevolent Society Incorporated’s (trading as HealthCarePlus) Annual Reports including it’s Financial Statements and Governance.

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