Mō Mātou
About us
Our Mission
HealthCarePlus is committed to working with Member Unions to improve the Physical, Mental and Financial Health and Wellbeing of their Members and Whānau.
E ū ana a HealthCarePlus kia mahitahi ai me ōna Mema Uniana kia piki ake te Oranga Tinana, te Oranga Wairua/Hinengaro me te Oranga Ahumoni, ā, me te Oranga Katoa o ō rātou Mema me ō rātou Whānau.
We're not here for profit... we're only here for you. From starting life as the Education Benevolent Society Incorporated in 1963, to the holistic, integrated network of benefits that we offer today - we were created by unions, for members - to maximise the genuine, long-term value that your union membership, can bring.
So, supporting and lifting the physical, mental and financial wellbeing of the union members is the simple mission that defines us.
What we stand for
Our values - the same as yours
HealthCarePlus’s culture and conduct are aligned with Union values - Integrity, Fairness, Transparency, Solidarity, Equity, and Environmental.
Ko te kaupapa me te wairua o HealthCarePlus e haere tapatahi ana me ngā uara o te uniana arā, te Ngākau Piripono, te Matatika, te Tuwhera, te Piritahi, te Taurite, me te Tiaki i te Taiao.
Solidarity - Kotahitanga
It’s good to stand together. Created by unions, we use the collective strength of our members to secure better outcomes for all of us.
Integrity - Pono
It's good to stay true. We give every member the information they need to make informed decisions and our focus is always on serving our members best interests, not ourselves.
Fairness - Matatika
It's good to act fairly. A commitment to fair dealings and fair outcomes defines the actions we take… the services we provide… and the partners we choose.
Transparency - Tūwhera
It's good to be clear. Our primary aim is to ensure our members comprehend both the benefits and limitations of every offer we provide and so we avoid misleading, overly positive, or exaggerated claims.
Equity - Hakawhanake
It's good to respect all. With a collective focus, we champion the rights of all - celebrating the religious, ethnic and gender diversity of our members and honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Environmental - Take Taio
It's good to look forward. Our environment is our future - and we ensure our actions protect it by minimising impacts and considering future generations, in the decisions we make today.
Our Owners
Our Owners
The very same unions that protect your rights at work created HealthCarePlus to support you and your whānau in life.
So, as part of your union membership, you are automatically eligible to join HealthCarePlus and get more value from your membership. Join now and create an online account here.
"NZEI Te Riu Roa is proud to be one of the founding union owners of HealthCarePlus.
It's a not-for-profit organisation that was created over 60 years ago by the union owners for their members to provide them with access to an ever-increasing range of highly valued member only products, services, and special offers.
NZEI Te Riu Roa is proud to have the largest group of HealthCarePlus’s members who recognise the real value for money products and services that they can get, who like dealing with an organisation with a Member first, values driven approach, and who know the benefits of working collectively to look after each other.
So, if you're an NZEI Te Riu Roa Member and not yet a HealthCarePlus member, why not take a closer look."
Mark Potter, Te Manukura | National President | NZEI
"The secondary teachers’ union PPTA Te Wehengarua is proud to be one of the founding owners of HealthCarePlus, a union owned not-for-profit that has been looking after Union Members’ health and wellbeing for over 60 years. HealthCarePlus is jointly owned by the five Education Unions and the PSA, the ‘Union Owners’.
On behalf of the ‘Union Owners’ and their Members, HealthCarePlus uses the strength of the collective union membership to negotiate an ever-increasing range of ‘Member Only’, health, wellbeing, and lifestyle, benefits, discounts, and special offers. And as a registered charity HealthCarePlus gives back to our Members and the community by providing annual educational grants to support our commitment to the advancement of education.
So, by joining HealthCarePlus today you will unlock even more value from your Union Membership."
Kirsty Farrant | Pou Ārahi Matua | General Secretary | PPTA
"HealthCarePlus is different because it was established by workers, for workers and continues to serve union members everywhere. PSA is proud to have been associated with HealthCarePlus. Our members have benefited from the wider range of Health and wellbeing offerings, all part of the vision of HealthCarePlus – to support the financial, physical and mental wellbeing of union members."
Benedict Ferguson | PSA President
"Te Hautū Kahurangi | TEU is proud to be one of the founding owners of HealthCarePlus, a union owned not-for-profit that has been looking after Union Members’ health and wellbeing for over 60 years. HealthCarePlus is jointly owned by the five Education Unions and the PSA, the ‘Union Owners’.
On behalf of the ‘Union Owners’ and their Members, HealthCarePlus uses the strength of the collective union membership to negotiate an ever-increasing range of ‘Member Only’, health, wellbeing, and lifestyle, benefits, discounts, and special offers. And as a registered charity HealthCarePlus gives back to our Members and the community by providing annual educational grants to support our commitment to the advancement of education.
So, by joining HealthCarePlus today you will unlock even more value from your Union Membership."
Julie Douglas | Te Tumu Whakarae Tiriti | National Co President Tiriti | TEU
"The Independent Schools Education Association (ISEA) is proud to be one of the founding owners of HealthCarePlus. As a not-for-profit organisation, owned by Education Unions, HealthCarePlus has been supporting union members health and wellbeing for over 60 years.
Over this time, through our collective power, the range of products and services offered through the scheme has continued to grow. Our members appreciate the opportunity to belong to a union owned healthcare and insurance scheme which offers such a great range of benefits, discounts and special offers.
HealthCarePlus is also a registered charity and provides annual education grants as part of our commitment to supporting the advancement of education, and was the first accredited Living Wage Employer in the insurance sector. We encourage you to join HealthCarePlus today, so that you too can access affordable supplementary healthcare as an additional benefit of belonging to your union. "
Tanja Bristow | ISEA General Secretary
"TIASA is proud to be one of the founding owners of HealthCarePlus, a union owned not-for-profit that has been looking after members’ health and wellbeing for over 60 years. TIASA, and the other four education unions plus the PSA, jointly own HealthCarePlus, a healthcare scheme specifically designed for and exclusively available to our members. The strength of our collective union membership enables us to negotiate an ever-increasing range of ‘Members Only’ health, wellbeing, and lifestyle benefits, discounts, and special offers. As a TIASA member you can also join HealthCarePlus, to unlock even more value from your TIASA membership.
And as a registered charity HealthCarePlus gives back to our members and the community by providing annual educational grants to support our commitment to the advancement of education. TIASA - Membership doesn’t cost - it pays!"
Shelley Weir
TIASA Te Hononga, National President
Our Board
Our Board Members
The Society is governed by a Board of six Directors appointed by the Member Union owners. The Board consists of four Member Board Members appointed to represent the four largest Member Unions and two Independent Board Members.

Darrell Ward
Representing NZEI - Chair / Board Member
I became an EBS subscriber as a trainee teacher in 1968 and I worked as a teacher and principal in various Southland schools from 1971 until 2002.
I was elected member of NZEI’s National Executive from 1990 until 2002 and this included the role of National President. From 2002 until my retirement in 2012 I was employed by NZEI Te Riu Roa as Assistant Secretary at the National Office. In 2015 I was awarded Life Membership of NZEI Te Riu Roa.
I have been a member of the Board since 2011 and I bring to the board significant education union knowledge, leadership experience and a broad union network. Adding extra value to your Union memberhsip is our aim. Our success is evident through our active support via our charitable education grants for an expanding range of individual and community education projects.

Samantha Stephen
Representing TEU - Deputy Chair / Board Member
I am Assistant National Secretary Operations and oversee the support operations of the Tertiary Education Union Te Hautu Kahurangi o Aotearoa, managing a team essential to the smooth running of the organisation.
After graduating with a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Waikato, I spent several years working in a community-based role for a non-profit organisation that offered preventative and rehabilitative support to offenders and their whanāu.
I went on to work in events management where for nine years I was part of a team responsible for organising an annual event attended by over 45,000 New Zealanders. I am an accomplished people manager and brings to the board a detail-oriented, problem-solving approach and has been a member of the Board since 2015.

Allan Vester
Representing PPTA - Member / Board member
I recently retired from being Principal of Edgewater College, a role that I held for 23 years. In retirement I continue to be a strong supporter of the PPTA and have been a member of EBS now HealthCarePlus since 1976.
I am confident that HealthCarePlus provides union members with an important and valuable range of highly value membership benefits.
Being on the Board, gives me the opportunity to contribute to ensuring that the work that HealthCarePlus does, and the benefits that their work confers on our Union members, is maximised.

Benedict Ferguson
Representing PSA - Board Member
I have been a member of PSA since I commenced work in Local Government over 20 years ago. I have held many elected roles with the PSA, including being elected to the PSA Executive Board in 2008 - 2012, and setting up the PSA Youth network in 2010.
In 2016 I was again elected to the Executive Board and in 2020 elected as President of the PSA. I have has been a member of HealthCarePlus since 2019 and joined the Board in March 2022. I am proud of the outcomes that Health Care Plus offers to union members and am keen to help drive this organization through good governance."

Krissy Thompson
Independent Board Member
I am a professional board member and lawyer, with a background in employment, health and safety, and personal injury law, predominantly acting for unions and injured workers. I sit on a number of other boards, including WorkSafe Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa, the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management, the Tauranga Regional Free Kindergarten Association and deliver training on governance through Iti Kōpara - Public Governance Aotearoa.
I joined the Board because I am motivated by the purpose of the organisation; collectively working towards improving the physical, mental, and financial wellbeing of our members, and supporting our charitable cause. Success to me looks like growing the positive impact we have by demonstrating the value we add to people's lives, by working with and through our union owners and partnering with other relevant organisations.

Daniel Mussett
Independent Board Member
I am an independent investment strategist, director, and a qualified actuary. I have experience working in both the health insurance and not-for-profit sectors.
I am one of the Board's two independent members, and I am Chair of the Audit, Risk, and Investment Committee. I joined the Board with a view to using my investment, risk management, reserving, and non-profit experience to help oversee the Society effectively.
I am passionate about making a positive difference to HealthCarePlus and our members, and supporting HealthCarePlus’s philanthropic impact in the community, and believes that effective governance is the best starting point.